Saturday, August 4, 2012

IT'S A....


The ultra sound technician said it was definitely a boy because he wouldn't keep his hands away from his parts. LOL!

This is the picture we sent to our families to tell them we were having another boy!

We took the boys with us to find out the sex of the baby and they loved being apart of it. They both would say they wanted a baby sister but when they found out it was a boy they were excited. I told Kyson that he had another baby brother to beat up on and he said, "No Mommy I won't beat him up he is too little!" 

I had a couple scares during the first months of my pregnancy so we were excited for a healthy baby. It's funny when I tell people I am having a third boy and they almost respond like I should be in mourning. It's kind of weird.

We can't wait for our third boy to join our family,which also means I won't be pregnant anymore! YEAH!!

XOXO Melanie


Brooke said...

Another boy! How exciting! I have loved having two boys and I can only imagine having three would be that much more fun! Congrats!

Natalie Kay said...

CONGRATS!! I think 3 boys would be so fun!!

KatieElizabeth said...

Im so happy for you. 3 boys are fun! I know what you mean when you say that people act like life is so bad with only boys. I get that on a daily basis.

Tasha Alycia said...

Loved catching up on your life! Can't wait to see the new addition!

Gonzales Family said...

WE had our third girl in June. It is weird when people found out it was our third girl and had the same reaction that you got. I guess we were supposed to be sad because Darren didn't get a boy.A healthy baby is the best gift no matter the sex! Cingrats! xoxo Lindz