Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kyson Shad Rollo

August 29th 2007 at 3:54 a.m. our whole world changed. We welcomed our first beautiful little boy into our family. The joy he has brought into our lives the past two years is indescribable. A few things about Kyson you might not know...

* He truly was the best baby ever!
* His first word after Da Da was football.
* Kyson always wants to help us out by throwing garbage away, loading or unloading the dryer, handing clothes to Mommy to hang up, and every night he always helps "clean up" his toys.
* He loves to have books read to him every day and night.
* He loves brushing his teeth and likes to get on his stool so he can spit in the sink like Daddy.
* Since he was a baby he has loved the water. If we drive by a pool and we don't stop he is not very happy. He is a great little swimmer with his floaties on.
* He loves both of our families so much...but is partial to his "Pa Pa's" and Uncle's (sorry Grandma's).
* He loves playing every sport but prefers baseball, basketball, and football. We can't wait until his little brother is old enough to relieve Mommy and Daddy from pitching every once in a while.
* Kyson loves real keys and throws a fit every time we get in and out of the car without letting him get in the front seat to drive.
* His favorite movies right now are Bolt, Cars, and "Horsee" (aka Mulan).
* He also loves watching Mickey Mouse.
* His smile melts my heart every single time... especially if I get an "I Yuv You" with it.
* Kyson loves riding "cycles" which probably means we should actually purchase some motorcycles for Mommy, Daddy and Kyson to ride.
* Kyson enjoys going to church and every time we walk in the front door he runs in and points at the huge picture in the lobby and says "Jesus". He also loves taking the sacrament and says "please" over and over again and until the deacons bring it to our bench.
* He loves to sing and dance. His favorite song that Mommy sings to him is "You are my sunshine".
We love you so much Kyson and can't wait to see you grow. I know you will be the best big brother ever. Have a great birthday!!!
Four Weeks Old

Four Months Old

9 Months Old
19 Months Old

XOXO Mommy

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Milestone - Kyson

I know most of your kids at Kyson's age were probably already past this stage but it still makes me a proud Mommy.... Last night Kyson counted to 5 all by himself for the first time (before this he would only repeat numbers when we counted). We have a book that you can move little cars across the top and he counted all five. Shad & I were so excited we started giving him high fives and lots of praise. So after that... every time he counted he ran back and forth between Shad & I and would ask for a high fives and then would start clapping and saying "Yeah". Cute little boy!!! It's so fun to see how proud he is of himself when he accomplishes new tasks. Side Note: He made sure he told me that "Mommy was the pink car". So funny!

XOXO Melanie

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Most IMPORTANT update...

My C-Section is scheduled for SEPTEMBER 4th @ 7:30 A.M. YEAH!!!

McKenzie gets hitched!!

We drove to Ephraim (35 weeks pregnant) on August 6th for my sister's wedding on the 8th... and to pick up our little boy! We had such a great time in Utah. I forget how calm it is there compared to Las Vegas. The weather was awesome, my parents yard was incredible, the endowment session and wedding was amazing and my sister looked beautiful. She married a great guy from Filmore. We are so happy he is officially part of our family. Love ya Kenzie and Dustin!! (The pictures are copied from her facebook so hopefully they turn out ok.)

Don't they looks so happy! I love their pictures!!
XOXO Melanie
P.S. I barely survived the drive back home...LOL!

UPDATE... continued

Month of July...

The 4th of July was pretty uneventful. It started off with a Ward Breakfast that we showed up to only 5 min late and there was pretty much no food left. So we came home, Kyson slept, we ate dinner and watched neighborhood fireworks. Let's just say Utah 4th of July's are a whole lot more exciting.

At the end of July (I was 34 weeks) I decided I didn't want to miss out on Girls Camp so I met my parents at the Hurricane exit to drop off Kyson and spent two nights at the Kolob Girls Camp. Everyone thought I was crazy, but I had such a great time. The Stake President challenged everyone at Girls Camp to read the BOM by Thanksgiving. I am really excited to complete this task, especially since I talked Shad into reading it with me. :) I don't have one single picture on my camera that proves I was at you'll just have to take my word for it.

Kyson was able to spend a full week with my parents and had a blast. He loved talking on the phone with Shad & I telling us about all of his adventures. He calls everything that moves a "cycle" and loved riding the motorcycle, john deer lawn mower, and bicycle with his Grandpa. He played basketball, football, baseball and soccer. He also got to go to a Whipple family reunion and swim at the new pool in Manti. Let's just say he was so spoiled he didn't want to leave his "Pa Pa" and "Ga Ma".

I'm sure my parents have tons of pictures of Kyson's trip but I haven't received any of them yet.

XOXO Melanie

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

UPDATE... continued

Month of June...

1- Not one picture was taken.

2- Melanie got bigger.

3- Kyson is more adorable then ever (if that is even possible).

4- Kyson started talking more.

5- Shad played softball.

6- Melanie became emotional when Kyson called his babysitter "Mommy".

7- Baby is very active in Melanie's belly.

The End.

XOXO Melanie

UPDATE... continued

Elder Whipple...

Evan just arrived in Fiji this past weekend and said he had a blast traveling there. He had never been in an airplane before so he thought the whole experience was pretty cool. He said the food was better on the plane then in the MTC. LOL! He had a great couple months at the MTC and learned so much. His testimony has grown so much and I can already see a huge change in his letters. He is starting to speak Fijian and is loving every minute of being a missionary. He has had a few struggles, but overall has done great! Keep him in your prayers!!
Just a couple pictures from his farewell...

XOXO Melanie


I know it has been forever since I've posted but I'll try my best to give just a quick update.


My family went on our last camping trip after Evan's farewell. It was such a blast! My Dad took us on a 6 hour hike. I would definitely recommend them to anyone. They were called "Peek-a-boo" and "Spooky" and they were very narrow hikes but they were beautiful. Just make sure you bring lots of water and don't go when you are over 7 months pregnant. The last 100 yards my right leg just stopped working and my Dad and Brother had to support my arms while I limped on my good leg and flung my other leg around. It was horribly embarrassing but no worries my leg was back to working condition the next day. My Dad about killed me my last pregnancy too, so hopefully I will start learning from these experiences. :)

Some pictures of the camping trip...

This is what Kyson did the entire time...

Start of the hike...

The narrows...

Shad was leading the hike most of the way and kept yelling back to the end of the line "I don't think Melanie is going to fit through this part" ... to all of our surprise ... I never got stuck!

I couldn't resist posting this picture... I think my dogs were pampered more than I was. LOL!

Update will be continued on next post...
XOXO Melanie