Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Easter Sunday

Many have asked who we think Kyson looks like...

Question Answered!!

Doesn't Kyson look handsome in his new Easter outfit!!

Shad looks hot in his Easter tie too :) but I'm a little biased!! Anyway...I love Easter Sunday and we had great meetings in our ward. Shad & I particularly loved our Sunday School class! Our teacher showed a DVD that you can get online called "Reflections of Christ". It showed pictures depicting Christ's life played to an amazing song. You have to check it out if you ever get a chance.

We also got to spend some time at a park so Kyson could play with his Grandparents before they went back to Utah. The first picture is a typical outing with Kyson...we have to take every ball we own...he can't leave one behind. He got the tee ball set with his Easter basket and you can tell it didn't take him long to figure it out. And of course my Dad and I are soaking up the sun in the background...I think it was like 80 degrees that day!!

XOXO Melanie

Easter Weekend

My parents and little brother decided to come down for Easter weekend and for my birthday (which was on Easter Sunday). I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present then to be able to share it with my family!! Here are some pictures from the weekend...

You can tell my little brother Evan had a little too much fun decorating Kyson... I think he got decorated more than the eggs did. LOL!

We went to one of my favorite restaurants - Bj's - for my birthday (a day early). They have my favorite dessert of all time...mmm Chocolate Chunk Pizookie!!!

XOXO Melanie

Need I Say More...

Monday, April 20, 2009

We are having a ...


The lady doing my ultra sound measured the baby's feet right before finding out what the sex was and she said "Just for fun let's measure the baby's feet" ...she couldn't believe they were already an inch long!! So after she told us we were having another baby boy she said "Thank heavens it's a boy or I would have felt really bad for your little girl with ginormous feet!" I couldn't help but laugh!!

Shad & I are so excited to have another little boy in our family. We were both hoping for a boy so Kyson could add another member to his basketball team. So now I guess I get to look forward to the HOTTTT Vegas weather. YEAH!!!

We haven't started thinking of names so if any of you have ideas...send them our way.

XOXO Melanie

Man vs. Pavement

Kyson's Battle Wounds...

Mom's Battle Wounds...

It was a quick but hard fought battle...in the end the Pavement came out ahead!
XOXO Melanie

Monday, April 13, 2009

You will never see this again....(most likely)

We got a call a couple of weeks ago from my brother-in-law Olin telling us he and two other rodeo buddies might need a ride from the Las Vegas airport to Laughlin. We had a few "Yes we need a ride" and then "No we found a ride" but on Saturday night it was a "Yes we need rides". It was a good thing we just got that van or the boys would have been riding in the bed of the truck for an hour and a half!! Anyway, we were really excited we got to go because we were able to see both Olin and his brother compete in two events each. The most exciting part is Kyson had his very FiRSt hOrSE rIDe!!
This picture was taken when we first picked up Olin and of course we had to send the picture to Natalie so she would be jealous that her two favorite boys (Olin & Kyson) were with me and not with her (am I mean or is that normal to tease your sister like that?). Shad was worried we wouldn't find them at the airport because Olin's cell phone had died. By the look of this picture do you think it was hard to point out three cowboys in the Las Vegas airport??

Now here comes the pics that you will probably never see again...so enjoy! Right when we pulled into the rodeo grounds, Olin and the other guys had to get ready to ride so they left pretty quick. However, Olin's dad Jack (who, to be honest I'm a little scared of because he kind of has the tuff cowboy appearance but is super sweet when the other cowboys aren't looking, LOL) asked me if Kyson would like to take a ride on the horse with his Dad. Of course Shad about died because he hadn't been on a horse since he was really little (I'm sure he also didn't want to be judged by the "professional" horse riders). Shad turned to me and whispered...I don't even think I know how to get on a horse. But Shad was a great sport and hopped on Jack's best horse "Joe" and they were off!!
Click on the picture and take a look at Kyson's little belly!! I think he is trying to make Mommy feel better about her prego belly. LOL!

The first picture below is my fAVoRiTe. How cute is Jack leading Shad and Kyson for their little ride. He was so nice and patient! Joe was such a great horse too!! The second picture is where the riders can warm up their horses before they compete.

As you can tell we had a GREAT time!! I know Jack will never read this post but we were really grateful to him for taking time out of getting his horses ready to haze for Olin and Jake to take Kyson on his first horse ride. We really appreciated it!!
XOXO Melanie

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Doctor's Appt

Have any of you bloggers out there heard that you can tell the sex of the baby by the heart rate?? At my last doctor's appointment on March 16th, my doctor was checking the baby's heart beat like usual. He said the heart rate was 162 and he guessed the baby would be a girl. What! I was completely blown away. He explained that generally boy heart rates are a lot lower. So I went home and looked at my tracking sheet (that I so diligently kept on my first baby) and Kyson's heart rate was always in the 140's. Coincidence??

P.S. We will find out the sex of the baby on April 20th. I will keep you all posted!

XOXO Melanie