Tuesday, August 18, 2009

UPDATE... continued

Month of June...

1- Not one picture was taken.

2- Melanie got bigger.

3- Kyson is more adorable then ever (if that is even possible).

4- Kyson started talking more.

5- Shad played softball.

6- Melanie became emotional when Kyson called his babysitter "Mommy".

7- Baby is very active in Melanie's belly.

The End.

XOXO Melanie


Gonzales Family said...

Looks like your family has had an eventful summer! I am so excited that you only have 23 more days! I wish i was that close...73 more to go! I hope everything goes great with the delivery! xoxo Lindz

Chelsea Johnson said...

Great updates! Can't wait to see the next little one! Hope you're hanging in there in this hot summer heat!