Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kyson's Idol

We've been to a couple of rodeo's these past few months and I think Kyson already knows who he wants to be like when he grows up...OLIN!!

Ky won't wear his cowboy hat right... he turns it so he can see better. Silly boy! He looks like a little rodeo clown.

At the Logandale rodeo we got to watch baby pigs race and see a talking parrot. So FUN!

Kyson made us find him a rope so he could lasso the practice calf. He also roped the chairs in front of us... he would lasso, try to tie them up, and then throw his hands up in the air to call for time. He has the calf roping down! Watch out NFR.

Cute baby Brox lovin the rodeo!

XOXO Melanie

1 comment:

Life's a Rodeo said...

I love it!!! Olin loves to take Ky for rides good thing El Rey is back!!