Friday, February 4, 2011

Holiday's Continued...

After the Baugh Christmas Party we decided to go to a live Nativity. This was a first for our entire family and I would highly recommend it. We all LOVED it!
It was pretty cold and a little rainy but we were tuff.

Remember the sliding off the road incident and the Dad and teenage son who rescued us... he ended up being Caesar Augustus. Shad recognized him but couldn't say anything because it was a silent nativity. The world is so small... ok just Sanpete County is really small. LOL!

My career at it's finest!

Kyson loved the animals.

This room was of course the best part. They even had a real baby for baby Jesus. What a brave Mom to bring her newborn out in the freezing cold weather. They had a little heater behind them but that was it. I hope my kids could feel the Spirit there as much as I did.

You had to take a hay ride to get to the nativity... all part of the adventure.

A couple days later we woke up to this lovely snow storm. It dumped around 14 inches in 6 hours. The kids loved it!

Aunt Kenzie was nice enough to make a snowman with Kyson. He had been talking about this since before Thanksgiving! Thanks Aunt Z!

That day we drove to Orem for our annual Whipple play. My Grandma Whipple takes our entire family to a Christmas play every year. Every other year we go to Hale's Theater and watch The Christmas Carol. The older man that plays Scrooge is FANTASTIC and the other cast members are great too. It is a very small theater with the stage on the floor. This was my first time seeing it since we moved to Vegas. I was so excited that Kyson was old enough to see it with me. He didn't even get scared on the Bob Marley part.

That is my cousin behind me in the picture... all pictures taken had some form of this behavior behind us. That's why I love my family!!

Thanks again Grandma Whipple!!
XOXO Melanie

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