Friday, March 26, 2010


I decided to move "KY-isms" to the main feed instead of off to the side...for those Google readers out there. I've re-posted the old "isms" and have added two new...for posterity sake. ENJOY!

*Ky - "I have gum?"
Mom - "No, you've already had 10 pieces today."
Ky- "You're mean Mom!"

*Mom - "Please don't hit Bo (our cocker spaniel) with the sword."
Ky - "It's my yife (life) Mom!"

REALLY where does a 2 year old get this from??


*Ky will now hide (under blankets, behind doors, inside toy bins) and will say "where did Kyson go?" and I respond "I don't know, where did Kyson go?" and he says "I dun know" silly boy is giving away his hiding spot without even knowing it. -12/28/09

*When Ky wants to be picked up he says "hold you mom" and of course I say "I want to hold you too Ky". - 12/20/09

*Kyson is always asking to hold Baby Brox and once he gets him in his arms he says ... "Ohh cute" and then two seconds later he says "all done". - 9/12/09

*Kys has been saying this for awhile but I wanted to document his first phrase. "I Yuv You" is what melts my heart every time he says it. - 8/3/09

*I thought I was being creative and taught Kyson how to say please and thank you instead of him just pointing at something and saying ah ah ah (pretty much whining at me)...but now all he does is whine by using "pease". It's so dang cute I have a hard time saying no. Especially when he follows up with a "tank tou". - 2/24/09

*I don't know where Kyson picked this one up from but everywhere we go and someone passes us he has to say HI. We'll be walking down the isle in the grocery store making him laugh and then he'll stop whatever he's doing and turn to the individual walking past us and say HI. He even says HI to the cars that pass us. I guess that stranger danger hasn't kicked in for this little boy. - 2/5/09

*Kyson is starting to say more and more words...he picked up our dog Bo's name really quick but still can't seem to get our second dog's name down. So instead of calling him Obi he says..."O-bo" is so funny! - 1/9/09

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Grandma & Grandpa Whipple

Our family anticipated the arrival of Grandma & Grandpa Whipple for over a month! Let's just say they didn't disappoint. We had so much fun while they were here for a few days. My Dad got 140 miles of bike riding in just a 3 day span. My Mom watched my kids on Thursday and had so much fun just playing. Temperatures got up to 79 degrees while they were here, which is a great break from the 3 feet of snow in my parents front yard. My mom taught me how to make her famous cinnamon rolls...yummy! We also drove to the Logandale Trail System and picked out spots for camping over Easter weekend. I can' wait!! The only thing I didn't get to do is play card games, you can't play too many games with just two people (my Dad doesn't play and Shad was working). Here are some pictures from our wonderful weekend.
Grandpa and his "sexy" bike riding outfit!

Grandma and Broxy time.

Logandale has this street sign... and how awesome are those redrocks!!

Brox getting ready for my ward's 5K walk/run. Yes, my parents and I pushed 2 strollers and came in dead last... but at least I was able to shed some calories to prepare for the 8 yummy cinnamon rolls I ate later that day.

Thanks for coming to visit us Grandma & Grandpa! Please come back soon!!
XOXO Melanie, Kyson & Brox
P.S. Shad had to work the whole time they were here but he did get to enjoy all of the yummy food my Mom made. LOL!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


#1 - Kyson asked me today where his ball is how the conversation went:

Ky - "Where did the ball go?"
Mom - "I don't know, where did the ball go?"
Ky - "Ball went to work."
I laughed but then realized how much it effects our kids when we have to leave them at a babysitter to go to work. Break my heart!

#2 - I told my Mom that I had just taught Kyson a couple of days ago how to fast forward through the commercials in his shows that are recorded on DVR. He pushes the yellow button until it gets him to his show and then he says "I did it" and is so proud of himself. My Mom says "Don't you think you should teach him his ABCs before you teach him how to use the remote?"

Duh Mom...who needs to know their ABCs when you've mastered the art of remote control technology...get with the times. LOL! On second thought, may be I should redirect my energy to something more productive.

#3 - Kyson was trying to lasso his toys and came running to me upset...

Mom - "What's wrong Kyson?"
Kyson - "My rope is broken"

I guess those stuffed animals weren't cooperating?

#4 - I would classify "WHY" and "BECAUSE" as the two most hated words of parents used by their children. Example...

Mom - "Why did you hit your brother Kyson?"
Kyson - "Because"
Mom - "Kyson you need to put your shoes on to go outside."
Kyson - "Why"

You get the picture...well Kyson has added a new word which encompasses both.

Mom - "Kyson it's time for your nap"
Kyson - "whycause"
Mom - "Kyson will you please eat your dinner"
Kyson - "whycause"

I guess he likes to ask and answer his own question all at once??

XOXO Melanie

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Brox is SIX months old!!

I can't believe my baby is already 6 months old!! Some things about Brox...

- He just cut his first tooth this week.
- He tried his first bottle of baby food yesterday...and gagged.
- Can not be left on a bed anymore...he rolls all over the place.
- He loves feeding the bottle to himself.
- Hates antibiotics...first ear infections this week.
- Hates to have his nose sucked out...I don't blame him.
- LOVES bath time with his big brother.
- Loves his DADDY...will not stop "wiggling" when he walks into the room (see "wiggling" movie).
- Is seriously the happiest baby you will ever meet.
XOXO Mommy

The first 11 seconds are the best...sorry it is facing the wrong way??