Sunday, August 29, 2010

Springs Preserve

I've got to catch up because it is a very special day today that I need to get to....

In July Shad & I went with the Hendricks family to the Springs Preserve. Our family had never been there before and it was a free day for the whole family. We soon realized why they make the free day in July...I'm just sayin' 120 degree weather is not so much fun with 2 little kids.
This flash flood display was one of Kyson's favorites.
Can you spot the creature?

Well we got 2 out of the 4 looking at the camera...batting 500 is always good.

The highlights for me was a free snow cone and kettle corn. Oh ya...and we got to see the youngest D.J. (per the Guinness Book of World Records) spin some music. This little guy was 6 years old. Ok to be honest it was a little anticlimactic. LOL!

XOXO Melanie

1 comment:

Eric and Shayly said...

Your kids are so dang cute. I have seen your parents a lot lately and they always show cute pictures and they are so dang cute:) I can't wait to see you guys hopefully soon!!