Friday, November 13, 2009

Just when you think you want to give up...

Today is what I like to call "one of those days" and it goes like this. Yesterday my babysitter had an emergency so I stayed home with the boys and by 9 a.m. I was starting to feel sick and so by the end of the day I could barely keep my eyes open...which takes us into today. Ky wakes up earlier then normal and wants "shocolate milk" then Brox wakes up and needs to be fed and is fussier than normal. No big deal right? I proceed the morning like usual and Ky even walks into the bathroom, gets on the stool, pulls down his pants and pees all by himself. YEAH! My day starts to get better. Then he decides to pee all over the carpet. Then he goes to the bathroom again all by himself. Then he decides to pee all over the couch (that Shad & I just cleaned the night before). Ky goes to sleep but wakes up crying and fussy. I look at the clock is only 3 p.m. ... I have 3 1/2 more hours to go before Shad gets home. Will I survive? My friend unexpectedly shows up to my house with cookie dough ... what!... I get my favorite snack and I didn't even have to make it (or clean it up). My day is getting better. Then Ky decides to pee on the stairs (while he is sitting in time out for hitting Brox).

Shad gets home at 6:30...

Melanie: "I have to get out of the house!"
Shad: "Ok"
Melanie: "Let's go out to eat."
Shad: "With both kids?"
Melanie: "No we can leave Ky home... Obi can babysit."

We ended up eating at a sit down restaurant (yes we did take both kids...was I asking for more trouble). We sit down and Brox immediately woke up from a deep sleep and started screaming...Mom can't find the binki...water is cold to make a won't take the cold bottle...strangers starring. Why didn't I just stay at home?

On literally the 4th trip to the potty with Ky, Shad was coming back and an older couple stopped Shad and said that they had been watching our table and wanted to let us know that they were "impressed with our children" she said they wouldn't have even known we had two small children because they were so quiet and well behaved... WHAT!!!! Shad & I think they couldn't hear us because the music was so loud but still ...they made my day!

It goes to show how a simple comment can help a struggling Mom want to keep going and stay positive. I hope I will notice that person that needs a little encouragement the next time I'm out and I can "Pay It Forward".

XOXO Melanie


Amanda said...

Oh Mel... What a day. I feel for you. Kenzie still has lots of accidents somedays. It gets so frustrating. Keep smiling!! and no... you were probably wise not to let obo babysit... :)

Gonzales Family said...

I totally feel for you! I think that when it rains it pours!You can chalk this up to a really bad day and know that tomorrow has to be a better day! xoxo Lindz

hendricks14 said...

You know it was Friday the 13th. I am so sorry that you ended up staying home, I thought several times to call you and check if you had a babysitter and I could not find my cell phone, but I did not look very hard, SORRY! I will try to follow my feeling better, darn it! And Linds just taught us a lesson on that Sunday. I obviously did not learn anything.

Perschon Family said...

goodness...that was quite the day you had. i was just tellin brody last night that way too much of my day deals with bodily functions of 2 little boys. and isn't it amazing that the times you need them to sleep in is the time they wake up earlier. ugh! 2 was a hard adjustment for me...but it gets easier. (kinda) and i love that you got such a nice compliment on a night you really needed to hear something nice! yay!!!

Lauren Howell said...

Oh lady I know those days all too well. By the time the night is through you have a migrane and you are in survival mode. Thank goodness for all of those sweet days in between. And potty training is a mess all together but it too gets easier. Take care. You have such a cute family.

Britney and Jaren Jensen said...

Oh Mel, I know that feeling. I hope you have better days, but I can't help but laugh at Ky peeing all over the place. I'm sorry :( Motherhood isn't it great :)p.s.- Why can't the dog babysit?

LTD in Las Vegas said...

I can so relate to this post...especially while in a cast now! I just came upon your blog and i will have to check up on it (;

Katie McCaul said...

Oh you have to love those days! I am glad the older couple took the time to help you keep going...gotta love the kids.