Friday, August 10, 2012

May 2012

May 5, 2012 - Cinco De Mayo

Kyson begged us to take him on the "rides" that were set up across the street for our church building. He loved every minute of it! I on the other hand felt like I needed to take a bath in hand sanitizer when we were done. LOL!

This is the only ride Brox would agree to go on. He was all smiles at the first but by the end he was in tears. Not as adventurous as Ky.

May 10, 2012 - Last Day of Preschool

Kyson learned so much this past year from one of my good friends, Mrs. Sarah. He loved going to school and was sad when it was over. I can't believe how much he has grown this past year! Click here to see his first day of preschool.

May 11 - 13, 2012 - Trip to Malad

Cheznie was getting blessed this weekend, but we surprised Natalie and Olin and came a couple days early so we could spend some time playing in Malad, ID. They have friends that live down the road from them and  they have two boys almost the exact ages as ours. They had so much fun playing with them!

Kyson riding one of their horses!

Brox and Oak

Ky asked Ruger to take him back to his house to get a treat and we look back and here comes Ruger leading Ky on this pony. It was so funny! It's amazing how much Ruger (4 years old too) knew about horses. I guess that's what happens when you are around them every day.

The horse that Ky is on Natalie called her a "babysitter" horse. She is so old and calm and is a great horse for kids to learn how to ride on. Kyson rode this horse without help from anyone. He learned how to get the horse to walk, go faster, turn and stop. He felt like a real cowboy! You should have seen Ruger rope the calfs on his horse. He could ride so fast. It was crazy!

Can you tell which boy is from the country and which is from the city? Not obvious at all!

Cheznie's blessing day was awesome. The weather was perfect, she was beautiful and Olin did a great job. She wore the same dress that my sisters and I wore when we were blessed.

Proud Grandma Whipple with Cheznie.

It was also Mother's Day... the boys gave me these cute necklaces they made in primary. Shad bought me a stinkin cute purse. Couldn't have asked for anything more!!

May 16 - 19, 2012 - Sister Weekend

My sisters came to Vegas to have a sisters weekend (minus Kenzie since she was out of town). 

We played at my friend's pool (Thanks Jen!). It was the first time Cheznie was in a pool and we had so much fun playing with all of our kids.

People you can't get any cuter than this!

I grow peach fuzz on the size of my face while I'm preggers (TMI I know), which Shad likes to call my pregnancy beard. So when Kyson got this blond mustache in a machine he said, "Look Mom it's like your beard!" Awesome! Luckily for me it goes away when I have the baby.

The best part of the weekend was when we were able to go shopping all day long on Friday while Shad agreed to watch our boys and my nephew. You forget how much you can accomplish without screaming children with you! It was such a fun weekend and we will for sure continue that tradition!!

May 18 - 19, 2012 - Father and Son Campout

Pictures were taken on Shad's phone so the quality is not the greatest. The boys always love going with their Dad places, especially when they get to do more camping in our tents! 

May 20, 2012 - Picture Text

Shad got this picture via text during church from one of his friends. His friend was in the nursery checking on his daughter and caught this photo. The text read, "What are you teaching this kid?" Which of course Shad responded, "How to be a good father and older brother!" Duh! 

May 25 - 28, 2012 - Memorial Weekend Camping

My family generally goes camping over Memorial weekend and we decided to head to Delta, UT this year. Growing up we came out here all of the time but we found a different location and had such a great time!

Grandpa & Grandma Whipple with Broxy


Sand mountain... I was seven months pregnant here so I didn't attempt this. It was a workout from what I hear. The boys went up and back several times!

Kyson would ride on the motorcycles all day long if he could!

Two of my Dad's sisters, their husbands, and some of their families joined us too. This is my cousin's kid Jack. Kyson LOVED to have a friend camping. Jack was so good to let him play with him.

We had a rock cliff that surrounded our camp. We noticed the first day it had metal rings you could clip into to rappell. So my BIL Matt went back to Delta and picked up his gear. Kyson was the first to go down the smaller cliff. 

Then he went down this one too! Crazy kid!!

Shad rappelling. 

I have never been rappelling before so I though if my 4 year old can do it so can I. Trust me, it took a lot longer for me to take the first step off that cliff then it did Ky. Please don't tell my OB doctor I went rappelling 7 months preggers! Go big or go home has always been my motto!

Shad just being stupid... Hey Shad I would like to have a husband and father around when this third baby comes. Please don't do this again!

Yup I'm fat!

XOXO Melanie


Eric and Shayly said...

So cute! I love your boys! I am so excited for you to have another one!!

Jessica said...

I am so impressed that you are catching up on your blog! I haven't written anything since last September...

You guys have had some super fun adventures!

Chelsea Johnson said...

So gald you are catching up! Can't wait to see the rest. Hope you all are doing well.

Dustin & McKenzie said...

Fun times Fun times. PS i am still mad you guys had a sister weekend without me jerks