July 4, 2012 - Independence Day
The annual Baugh Family 4th of July BBQ!! Apparently someone didn't tell the entire Orem community that we have had the same spot at the park for over 40 years and a family ended up taking up half of our normal spot. Grandpa Baugh was not too happy they didn't get the memo (we'll give him a break since he is 95 years old). We still had a great time!! Ate lots of yummy food, visited with family and went swimming at the pool.
Brox wanting to hold Cheznie. It looks like she is twice his size. LOL!
My boys loving (i.e. attacking) cousin Davis.
Grandma Whipple, Sisters & Cousins... notice husbands are nowhere to be found? Shad had to stay and work in Vegas but the rest decided it would be fun to ride their bicycles (yes I said bicycles not motorcycles) from Ephraim to Orem (apx 80 miles). That is not my idea of a vacation but they loved it!
Side note - I hate it when you don't realize how fat you are until you look at yourself in a picture... just experiencing that now. Weird.
July 5-7, 2012 - Fun in Ephraim
We decided to spend a few days at Grandma & Grandpa Whipple's house before heading back to Vegas. My family decided to take my boys and go fishing. I decided to rest (i.e. play Catan all night long).
Brox fishing...when he actually caught a fish on his pole he asked my Dad if there were sharks in the lake and then freaked himself out and dropped the pole and wouldn't continue to reel the fish in. LOL!
Kyson on the other hand loved every minute of it!
Brox would only come close enough to hold the pole for the picture.
The boys also made my parents get in the hot tub every night with them. Brox started following my Dad around with his goggles and swimming suit the moment he got home from work until he gave in. I'm sure my Dad was really sad when we left.
July 13-14 & 21, 2012 - Sand Hollow
The next two weekends in July we went to Sand Hollow with friends and camped, swam, played on the jet ski and the relaxation station. We also had a blast sleeping in a down pour of rain! For some reason I did not take a single picture. Let's just imagine pictures where fun was had by all!
July 21, 2012 - Bowling
One of my friends put together a large group of "Summer Friends" and organized all sorts of activities to do with your children during the summer. Unfortunately I work on a lot of the days they did activities and the other we were out of town. So I was so excited when a bowling activity came up and we were able to go. Shad didn't work that day so he was able to come too! If you know anything about Vegas you know that many activities are expensive to do with your kids so you have to get creative. I was so excited when my friend said she talked a bowling alley in to giving us a group discount. We only paid $3 for 2 games and shoe rental!! Steal!! I heard there were over 100 people there that day. Thanks Nichole!!
Brox & Marianne...best buddies!
I promise Brox had a good time.
I remembered to grab socks to go bowling, however I did not remember that I was wearing capris and I should have grabbed ankle socks. Shad couldn't stop laughing at me. Despite the wardrobe mishhap, I still think Bob Trythall would be proud of my form (If you've been to Snow College you know what I'm talking about).
That's July in a nutshell!
XOXO Melanie
I just LOVE the Whipple clan so much!! You guys are all so dang cute and fun!! Love and miss you all:)
That is really great form for being pregnant and all :)
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