Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Milestone - Kyson

I know most of your kids at Kyson's age were probably already past this stage but it still makes me a proud Mommy.... Last night Kyson counted to 5 all by himself for the first time (before this he would only repeat numbers when we counted). We have a book that you can move little cars across the top and he counted all five. Shad & I were so excited we started giving him high fives and lots of praise. So after that... every time he counted he ran back and forth between Shad & I and would ask for a high fives and then would start clapping and saying "Yeah". Cute little boy!!! It's so fun to see how proud he is of himself when he accomplishes new tasks. Side Note: He made sure he told me that "Mommy was the pink car". So funny!

XOXO Melanie


Brooklyn said...

YaY for Kys!! He is growing up too fast!!!

hendricks14 said...

Way to go Kyson!! You are such a great mom! I can't wait to see how cute your new little guy is going to be! Only 8 more days!

Gonzales Family said...

That is so funny! I love it when kids reach new stages and think they are so big. Abby can count to three really good and then skips to 8,9??? MAybe I need to look into this counting book ! xoxo Lindz