Wednesday, August 19, 2009

McKenzie gets hitched!!

We drove to Ephraim (35 weeks pregnant) on August 6th for my sister's wedding on the 8th... and to pick up our little boy! We had such a great time in Utah. I forget how calm it is there compared to Las Vegas. The weather was awesome, my parents yard was incredible, the endowment session and wedding was amazing and my sister looked beautiful. She married a great guy from Filmore. We are so happy he is officially part of our family. Love ya Kenzie and Dustin!! (The pictures are copied from her facebook so hopefully they turn out ok.)

Don't they looks so happy! I love their pictures!!
XOXO Melanie
P.S. I barely survived the drive back home...LOL!


Tara Mogle said...

way cute pics! I can't believe how much she looks like you. So cute! are crazy to drive that far being 35 weeks pregnant! but such a great sister!!!
good luck with the c-section!

Katie McCaul said...

Those pictures are so cute.