August 29th 2007 at 3:54 a.m. our whole world changed. We welcomed our first beautiful little boy into our family. The joy he has brought into our lives the past two years is indescribable. A few things about Kyson you might not know...
* He truly was the best baby ever!
* His first word after Da Da was football.
* Kyson always wants to help us out by throwing garbage away, loading or unloading the dryer, handing clothes to Mommy to hang up, and every night he always helps "clean up" his toys.
* He loves to have books read to him every day and night.
* He loves brushing his teeth and likes to get on his stool so he can spit in the sink like Daddy.
* Since he was a baby he has loved the water. If we drive by a pool and we don't stop he is not very happy. He is a great little swimmer with his floaties on.
* He loves both of our families so much...but is partial to his "Pa Pa's" and Uncle's (sorry Grandma's).
* He loves playing every sport but prefers baseball, basketball, and football. We can't wait until his little brother is old enough to relieve Mommy and Daddy from pitching every once in a while.
* Kyson loves real keys and throws a fit every time we get in and out of the car without letting him get in the front seat to drive.
* His favorite movies right now are Bolt, Cars, and "Horsee" (aka Mulan).
* He also loves watching Mickey Mouse.
* His smile melts my heart every single time... especially if I get an "I Yuv You" with it.
* Kyson loves riding "cycles" which probably means we should actually purchase some motorcycles for Mommy, Daddy and Kyson to ride.
* Kyson enjoys going to church and every time we walk in the front door he runs in and points at the huge picture in the lobby and says "Jesus". He also loves taking the sacrament and says "please" over and over again and until the deacons bring it to our bench.
* He loves to sing and dance. His favorite song that Mommy sings to him is "You are my sunshine".
We love you so much Kyson and can't wait to see you grow. I know you will be the best big brother ever. Have a great birthday!!!
9 Months Old