Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dance Recital!!!!!

Most of you know that my friend and I take a dance class every Tuesday night (after Ky goes down to sleep of course) and we absolutely love it! She danced in her previous life too so we are like little kids on Christmas Eve...giddy through the entire class. Well the owner of the studio talked our class into dancing at their Christmas recital for "advertisement". Lindsey and I both said no, no, no, no but of course we are push overs and got talked into it. I don't have a picture of our "cool" costumes (but you can see the poinsettias in our hair that we had to wear with our costumes-they were super cute). This picture is Lindsey and I after the recital eating dinner at BJ's (one of our favorite places to eat). I have had so much fun dancing again and I also got some much needed exercise. I would highly recommend it to anyone!


Tasha Alycia said...

Mel I'm so jealous! Sounds like so much fun!!!

Gonzales Family said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! I miss the good old dance days not to mention I could use some work-out time! I am mailing you a Christmas card. Thanks for the address. When we go to VEgas again I will let you know and maybe we can got o dinner or something! Miss ya . Lindsay