Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Kyson is BACK!

YEAH!!!! After a very long week I finally have my adorable little boy back. I can't believe how much older he looks...I know crazy right? Shad & I got to my parents house late Friday night so we didn't want to wake him up...even though I wanted to really bad! We were sound asleep when my Mom and Sister walked in our room and laid Kyson on our bed...he was so cute! He was grinning from ear to ear and wouldn't stop giving us hugs. In between the hugs he would look at our faces to make sure it was still his Mommy and Daddy and then he would smile and give us more hugs. Cutie boy! This is a picture of us that Sunday on our way to our cousin's baby blessing and another cousin's missionary homecoming...WELCOME HOME BROCK!!


Tara Mogle said...

I bet you guys were so excited to see him again. I don't know if I would let my mom take my boys....might be kinda scary!
Hey, I just wanted to let you know a group of us girls are getting together for lunch on the 26th (yes the day after Christmas) for lunch at Roys Pizza at 12:00 noon. we would love to see you there! let me know! Right now we are planning Rachel and Katie, Talisha, Ashley Johnson Peterson, Ahsley Nielson Latchford and me. It would be awesome if you could come. Merry Christmas

Brooklyn said...

YEAH we are so glad Kys is back!!! We missed that little guy around here!!! When he saw Dave today his eyes lit up and he said HI DABE!!! He calls him Dabe and its so CUTE!Anyhoo glad you have your cutie boy back!!!:):):)