Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Late Christmas Present

Dec 27, 2011 - Great News

A couple days after Christmas this is what we found out....

Pregnant with Baby Rollo #3!!

And this is how Brox coped with the news... LOL! Found this one morning after the first ultrasound. Silly Broxy!

I think within a day of peeing on that stick I threw up for the first time and didn't stop for 5 months. The joys of being preggers!!

XOXO Melanie


Matt and Stephanie said...

Can't wait for Baby #3 to come in a couple of weeks!!!!

Cory and Lindsey said...


I love seeing your new post. How are you feeling? Do you have a name picked out? I miss you and Love ya!


Natalie Kay said...

Yay!! I'm happy to see you trying to catch up on your blog! Boy or girl??