Wednesday, August 18, 2010

4th of July - Part II

After the Baugh family BBQ we headed down to Cedar City to enjoy the festivities at the park. It is always like a class reunion for Shad. For some reason we didn't get many pictures... we must have been having too much fun!!
Ky loved playing in all of the blow up bouncing things (whatever they are called). His favorite was a very tall slide. I thought he would be scared climbing that high, but it didn't phase him.

What more could a 2 year old ask for than cotton candy bigger than you!!


My FaVoRIte picture of the day. Brox with his favorite girlfriend from Cedar City. Mataya is like 4 months older but probably 15 lbs lighter. She is a keeper.

We love Cedar City!
XOXO Melanie

1 comment:

Kenzie said...

I love Taya and Broxy! Too cute! Will you email me the pic? I know you know my email but I thought you would appreciate the reminder. Love ya!