I decided to move "KY-isms" to the main feed instead of off to the side...for those Google readers out there. I've re-posted the old "isms" and have added two new...for posterity sake. ENJOY!
*Ky - "I have gum?"
Mom - "No, you've already had 10 pieces today."
Ky- "You're mean Mom!"
*Mom - "Please don't hit Bo (our cocker spaniel) with the sword."
Ky - "It's my yife (life) Mom!"
REALLY where does a 2 year old get this from??
*Ky will now hide (under blankets, behind doors, inside toy bins) and will say "where did Kyson go?" and I respond "I don't know, where did Kyson go?" and he says "I dun know" silly boy is giving away his hiding spot without even knowing it. -12/28/09
*When Ky wants to be picked up he says "hold you mom" and of course I say "I want to hold you too Ky". - 12/20/09
*Kyson is always asking to hold Baby Brox and once he gets him in his arms he says ... "Ohh cute" and then two seconds later he says "all done". - 9/12/09
*Kys has been saying this for awhile but I wanted to document his first phrase. "I Yuv You" is what melts my heart every time he says it. - 8/3/09
*I thought I was being creative and taught Kyson how to say please and thank you instead of him just pointing at something and saying ah ah ah (pretty much whining at me)...but now all he does is whine by using "pease". It's so dang cute I have a hard time saying no. Especially when he follows up with a "tank tou". - 2/24/09
*I don't know where Kyson picked this one up from but everywhere we go and someone passes us he has to say HI. We'll be walking down the isle in the grocery store making him laugh and then he'll stop whatever he's doing and turn to the individual walking past us and say HI. He even says HI to the cars that pass us. I guess that stranger danger hasn't kicked in for this little boy. - 2/5/09
*Kyson is starting to say more and more words...he picked up our dog Bo's name really quick but still can't seem to get our second dog's name down. So instead of calling him Obi he says..."O-bo"...it is so funny! - 1/9/09
These are so cute! Kellen uses the "I wanna hold you mommy" and I love it!
How cute! kids really do make life so fun...i could just sit and listen all day:)
Mel, that is so awesome you are writting these down! I think kids say the cutest things. You think you'll always remember them, but If I try to write something down even the next day I can't remeber exactly what they say! Thanks for reminding me to write those funny things and the date.
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