Sunday, March 14, 2010


#1 - Kyson asked me today where his ball is how the conversation went:

Ky - "Where did the ball go?"
Mom - "I don't know, where did the ball go?"
Ky - "Ball went to work."
I laughed but then realized how much it effects our kids when we have to leave them at a babysitter to go to work. Break my heart!

#2 - I told my Mom that I had just taught Kyson a couple of days ago how to fast forward through the commercials in his shows that are recorded on DVR. He pushes the yellow button until it gets him to his show and then he says "I did it" and is so proud of himself. My Mom says "Don't you think you should teach him his ABCs before you teach him how to use the remote?"

Duh Mom...who needs to know their ABCs when you've mastered the art of remote control technology...get with the times. LOL! On second thought, may be I should redirect my energy to something more productive.

#3 - Kyson was trying to lasso his toys and came running to me upset...

Mom - "What's wrong Kyson?"
Kyson - "My rope is broken"

I guess those stuffed animals weren't cooperating?

#4 - I would classify "WHY" and "BECAUSE" as the two most hated words of parents used by their children. Example...

Mom - "Why did you hit your brother Kyson?"
Kyson - "Because"
Mom - "Kyson you need to put your shoes on to go outside."
Kyson - "Why"

You get the picture...well Kyson has added a new word which encompasses both.

Mom - "Kyson it's time for your nap"
Kyson - "whycause"
Mom - "Kyson will you please eat your dinner"
Kyson - "whycause"

I guess he likes to ask and answer his own question all at once??

XOXO Melanie


Life's a Rodeo said...

LOL Ky is so funny!!! I wish I could come down this weekend and see all of you. I miss the boys so much:)

Brooke said...

haha. He is so cute. That dvr stuff is no joke. Zach still fast forwards too far and has to rewind. I would be really proud of my 26 year old husband if he could get it down, let alone a 2 year old! Way to go Kyson! Also, I'm pretty sure remote control skills spill over into ABC skills. So when the time comes, Kyson is going to be an ABC master!

Sarah said...

I'm totally with you and the whole remote thing. We taught Haydan how to work the DVD player when she was three. It had nothing to do with the fact that I didn't want to get off the couch and everything to do with teaching self-reliance. :)

LTD in Las Vegas said...

All of our kids need to be techies now(; ! I have been worried about you and your kids...Did u finalize a babysitter? I was serious about calling me if u get in a pinch!

Kelli Cox said...

Hey you it has been a very long time. Your family is so cute!! I wish sometimes we still lived in Vegas the weather was GREAT down there and I miss it!!

Perschon Family said...

aren't kids the best. loved this post!!! so funny!