Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tender Moment

Kyson threw a fit today because we told him he couldn't go to church. He has two ear infections, a fever, running nose, and won't stop coughing... do you think the nursery leaders will still let him come? He just whimpers "I go church, see Jesus" ...even with his running nose I don't think he could be any cuter!!

XOXO Melanie

Good Old Days

Found this picture of Kyson when he was 8 months old (taken May 3, 2008) ... he is with his good friend Jack J. Can you believe how chubby he is??? Brox doesn't have a chance!!

XOXO Melanie

Friday, February 26, 2010

Valentine's Present

I surprised Shad with new pictures of the boys. I saw an idea online and on last minute notice a good friend in my ward took the pictures for me.

Shad taught Kyson that every time we told him we loved him he would scream back at us "I LOVE YOU MORE!!" Hence the pictures.

Shad you are my everything! Happy V-Day!!

XOXO Melanie

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm concerned on a number of levels...

I was putting another load in the laundry and walk into my living room to find this.... (It's Kyson's blow up baseball tee that has water in the base to anchor it down)

1 - Kyson is already beating up on his little brother...really!
2 - Brox actually enjoyed the "abuse" AND
3 - Mommy grabbed the camera to take pictures instead of rescuing her 5 month old.
Has blogging become more important than my child's safety?? TBD But by the looks of this picture... Brox doesn't seem to mind.

XOXO Melanie

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I'll spare everyone the details about this week but this is what topped it off...and it was only Wednesday night!! Last night Kyson was running around happy for us to be home. We got him to stop to say the dinner prayer (at 8:00 p.m. - yes please don't judge that I feed my kids dinner at 8 when they should already be in bed) and he went back to running into the family room...trips...comes running back into the kitchen crying. Dad - "We told you to stop running" Mom - "There is blood coming out of his's everywhere" Kyson - "I sorry". Once we got the bleeding stopped this is what we found...

Can you see the flap of skin? Seriously...I apologize if I just made someone sick to their stomach because when I saw it I about died. We end up calling my Mom who ends up calling a family friend who is a dentist who ends up telling us it could be stitched. So we call the ER at the hospital close to us and they told us to come in. Two different nurses look at him and tell Shad it is definitely going to need stitches. Then the doctor comes in to do the stitches and he says that because the mouth heals so quick, he would prefer not to stitch because it is a traumatic experience for little children...they would have had to strap him down to a board. What! So Ky and Shad get home after 10 p.m. with no stitches and still a flap of skin. This morning he tells me he has an owie and won't stop playing with the is it suppose to heal if a 2 year old won't leave it alone??

I know this is only the beginning of owies and possible stitches for us.... two boys - two years apart... you do the math.

P.S. Did you see those adorable eyes!!! Man he is the cutest little two year old I've ever seen!

XOXO Melanie

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Brother-In Law is a SUPERSTAR!

Most of you know that my brother-in law rodeos. This year Olin is rodeoing full-time to try to make it where every cowboy dreams to go --- the NFR. I've posted about going and watching him steer wrestle in the past and it is so much fun to see him kick butt! He has been doing very well so far this year and just had a great rodeo in Fort Worth, Texas!! Well folks the standings were just updated and Olin is NUMBER ONE in the WORLD right now in steer wrestling!! I can hear Olin right now telling me it's not a big deal because what matters is your rankings at the end of the year and it is so early... BUT I think it is pretty cool... and definitely blog worthy. CONGRATULATIONS OLIN!! We are cheering you on and can't wait until you come to our "hometown" for the finals!!
See his official ranking here . (Click on steer wrestling)
XOXO Melanie

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

You know it's sad when...

You try to work out for the first time in probably a year and a half and you ...

1- Can't even make it through the short 20 min workout (Jillian's new workout DVD)
2- The 10 min you did make it through, you cheated most of the moves, AND
3- You can't lift your arms to blow dry your hair after the "workout"

The GOOD news ...there is definitely room for improvement. LOL!!

XOXO Melanie