Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Potty training nightmares...

We started potty training Kyson last Monday. The first few days we thought we were crazy. After doing literally 20 loads of laundry from going through underwear and shorts a million times a day, I wanted to throw in the towel and give up. The last couple of days we thought Kyson had taken a turn for the better and had only a couple accidents all day. This morning I bragged to my Mom and told her Ky was doing great and we had even taken him out of the house last night to play on the playground. Well let's just say I should have knocked on wood after that statement...because it is only 12:30 and he has already had 5 accidents!!!! In three short hours he has peed and leaked on our couch, cushions, pillows, carpet, and tile. Seriously, what were Shad & I thinking???

XOXO Melanie


Emily A. Gunderson said...

Elisabeth is SOOOO interested in the potty, and Gabe keeps saying we should potty train her. Since I'm the one who has to do it I say we hold off. I don't think we will start until January. Good luck, if he can get it down it will be so great. If not, try again in a few months.

Brooklyn said...

Aww poor fella!!1 Guess the cars undies didnt inspire him huh?? LoL

Chelsea Johnson said...

Please remember that I did tell you it would be like this! Not that it makes it any easier though! He will get it soon and start to be more consistent. He is probably just testing you to see if this new adventure is around to stay--so don't give up now!!!!! You're almost there. And having some accidents here and there will probably be normal for quite a while. At least it is for us. Good luck and keep us posted!

Perschon Family said...

Oh Mel....all I can say is potty training SUCKS and that is all there is to it! I am dreading the day I have to do it with Luke cause it was AWFUL with Max. I tried and tried and tried with him and after giving up time after time I finally accepted that I couldn't force him to do it. Once I backed off it started getting better. I totally had to let go of all expectations of deadlines etc. and once I accepted that it was ok if he wasn't potty trained by 3 like my nephiews...it was ok. When I would call my sister to complain (most often in tears) she would say, "I promise my 10 year old knows how to use the potty! It won't last for forever!" Hang in there! (Holy novel)

Gonzales Family said...

I am not looking forward to potty training Abby. i heard girls were easier than boys but I think it is going to be hard anyway. i am waiting until the first of the year when she is closer to three. Good Luck! I hope he gets the hang of it soon for your sake!
xoxo Lindz

Kenzie said...

Mel I am sorry you are having trouble with the potty training but I also think you'll look back one day and want these moments back. He is getting so big! I can't believe he is potty training! Give Kyson and Brox a kiss for me! I hope to see you soon!

Warner said...

i feel for you :) Maddie is finally potty trained .. but we have been through the poop all over the toilet... pee on the floor.. and many more dirty ol' times :) all i can say is... good luck! by the way Brox is so darling! and i love the picture with kyson in his bed... haha too funny!

Katie McCaul said...

I hate potty training!!! I was determined to have Red potty trained by the time baby #2 comes and I doubt it is going to happen.

Your new little one is so cute! Love that Ky climbed in his crib...they will be best buddies.

pOlloCk FaMiLy said...

Hey Mel! Congrats on the new baby! So darn cute. How would it be to have boys? Consider yourself lucky with the potty training...at least its just puddles. When I was training Ellee I put her in her room for a time out, thinking she had finally fallen asleep I went in to check only to find a poop covered room, poop covered toys, poop covered child, poop smashed into the carpet, and everywhere else inbetween! You can bet I did not make the same mistake with child number 2. I watched her like a hawk. Lol. Some day you also will look back and laugh, though at the time you wonder how you kept from killing the kid. GOOD LUCK!

Kayleigh Jensen said...

http://chancandkayleigh.blogspot.com/ check it out!!