Kyson swinging at his first pinata!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Baugh Christmas Party
Kyson swinging at his first pinata!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Kyson is BACK!
Dance Recital!!!!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
White Christmas in Las Vegas!
My mom calls me Monday and says she can tell Kyson isn't feeling very well (because he gets very mellow when he gets sick or is cutting teeth...never grouchy... he's a perfect angel). So the next night my Dad had a Christmas party at their home in Ephraim and a Physicians Assistant was there and checked Kyson...and you guessed it...he had infections in both ears and the right ear was already starting to swell. We never really know if Kyson is sick because he never cries but my Mom said that night he would just lay on my sister's belly and whimper...poor little guy. The PA was nervous that if my Mom waited until the morning to get his scripts filled the ear could possibly burst. So of course in a small town you just wake up the Pharmacist out of bed and make him fill the script for antibiotics! He also got these ear drops that numb the ears until the antibiotics start kicking in. You know I miss Kyson terribly but I think he has the best care money can buy (since my Mom's rate is free).
Friday can't come any faster....I miss my little boy!!!!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
I've been TAGGED!
This picture was taken at one of Shad's softball tournaments in Mesquite, NV. His Grandpa Rollo was playing with him and he was loving the attention. He liked putting on Grandpa's cool shades! I love being outside and I especially love watching Shad play sports! That picture was taken in the first of June this year...I can't believe how much he has grown. I now tag Stephanie, Britni, Chelsea, Lindsey Bowen, Kami, and anyone else that hasn't done this before!
XOXO Melanie
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Shad's Scare!!!

With the text saying "Don't I look cool!" (typical boy right) now I'm not sure if he is playing a joke on me or if I should really be freaked out. So he finally asks one of the EMTs if he could call me while he was still riding in the ambulance so I don't completely have a nervous breakdown...luckily they let him call me.
So the story goes like this...Shad was being dispatched to a call where a police officer had a guy at gun point that had just stabbed another person on a bus. The officer was by himself so Shad starting rolling code (with sirens and lights) to back up the officer that was by himself. Shad was riding down the street when a car came from his left side and he wasn't sure if the car would pull all the way over to the right (which is what you are suppose to do when a emergency vehicle is behind you) or if he would pull into the closest lane which would be the far left lane. Shad said he thought if he went to his left and the car stayed in that lane he would have to go into oncoming traffic (not very safe) or he could just stay in his lane on the right side, which is what he did. The car ended up coming into Shad's lane and then stopped right in front of him. Shad said he was probably going around 50 mph and started leaning to his right and he put on his breaks to try avoided the now parked car but he clipped it with his foot and the bike went right out from under him...which he proceeded to skid across the asphalt for about 130 feet. Because he was on a motorcycle and because of the speed he was traveling, they made him take a ride in the ambulance. They even strapped him down on the gurney (see pic above).
All in all he really is fine and he only got a little road rash on his leg, a slightly swollen ankle, and tore through his riding gloves (luckily he had those on). I am so very thankful that he is ok and that Heavenly Father was watching over him definitely could have been a lot worse.
XOXO Melanie
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Happy Halloween
Halloween Party with my Beehives!
The fearless Leaders! I love serving with these ladies...they have become some of my best friends down here in Vegas. Yes we are dorks but we have so much fun together.
We played tons of games...but I loved watching them try to get those donuts off the strings. LOL!
We also played spooky musical classic Halloween music (Thriller, Monster Mash etc.). The second picture is the first group of losers of spooky musical chairs. They are so funny!
All of the Beehives! Thanks for making it such a great night girls. Love ya tons!!
XOXO Melanie
Carving Pumpkins
Friday, October 31, 2008
World Series
This is one of Shad's good friends that he met while going through the Academy. Carpenter loves playing with Kyson...he is getting ready for his little girl to arrive (his wife is due in January).
I've mentioned in previous posts that Kyson loves playing with any kind of balls. He was content with the dirty one his Daddy gave him for a little while but then noticed the new clean game balls on the other side of the fence. He was so funny and wouldn't let them go. Silly boy!
We had a great time supporting Shad and his team. They were one game away from making it to the Final day. Shad's parents were able to come with us and we enjoyed their company. Thank you Steve and Doe for helping me entertain Kyson during the games...I couldn't have done it without you!!
XOXO Melanie