Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I don't think I have ever had so much fun attending sporting events than I did the second week in March. My parents and Shad & I decided to buy tickets for the entire week of the Mountain West Conference. Although BYU ended up losing in the championship game, we were not disappointed with the awesome basketball games we saw throughout the week. We watched Jimmer score his record 52 points against New Mexico and finally got their first win against the Lobo's. Seriously that is a game we will NEVER forgot!! It was AWESOME!!!! My Grandpa Whipple and Uncle Belmont played basketball at BYU, both my parents graduated from BYU, my Uncle Steven teaches there, and my Grandma Whipple has season tickets to all football and basketball games.... so there is definitely COUGAR BLUE running through our family's veins. P.S. If don't already know the Cougars have made it to the Sweat 16 in the NCAA tournament so don't miss there game tonight when they play Florida Gators. GO COUGARS!!
We attempted to take the boys a girl's basketball game... Shad & I left about 15 minutes after arriving.

My Mom's sister and her husband - Uncle Leland and Aunt Beverly - love all four of these individuals!!

My Dad wouldn't put his Kindle down in between games... we had great chats by ourselves.

We had awesome weather that whole week in Vegas... we made a trip to the park with Grandma and Grandpa.

Thanks Mom and Dad for coming down. We had such a great time!
XOXO Melanie

Friday, March 18, 2011

February Happenings

Many times I think Shad & I don't do enough fun things with our kids. After looking at February pictures, I see we have good intentions. LOL!

Shad decided one day after work that we would surprise the kids with setting up the tent and sleeping with Kyson overnight. I got the kids in the bath while he did the setting up.

I don't get many pics of Brox doing his "cheese" smile. Cute boy!!

Kyson pretending to sleep.

But then when it was time for bed, Shad decided it wasn't such a great idea because he was really tired and had work the next day. So the kids just played in it and then we took it down. Next time it will be spectacular I'm sure!

We decided to take the boys to the Outdoor World at Brass Pro Shop in Vegas. My kids loved this store!! We happened to be there when the Mermaid was playing with the fish in the big tank right outside the store and just inside the casino. It was actually pretty cool. Can you see her holding a sting ray?

Kyson loved it!! Can you tell?

We probably shouldn't have let our kids do this... but they had fun.

And then the fun was over least for Brox. You always can tell when you hit nap time. LOL!

Shad & I decided that we weren't going to give gifts this year for Valentines. I decided to at least buy a Valentines card. Shad on the other hand decided to do this...

I was running late that day for work and so yes I took the van just the way it looks in these pictures. I was mortified. I ran upstairs and asked Shad if he would hurry and clean off the windows but he said, "Have a great day at work babe!"

I noticed this on the drive into work...

And when I got to work I noticed this... so you can imagine the hit to my self esteem when I realized not one single person honked at me on my way to work. Am I really getting that old?

May be next time I'll just let him buy a present for me.

We made a trip to St. George to celebrate Elsie's 1st Birthday. We went to an indoor pool and had lots of fun. Kyson was so excited to finally be back swimming again. My little fish!

She is so CUTE!!

An attempt at a fun FHE night was trying to make our own pizzas. They actually turned out pretty good.

My three children...
However Brox decided not to participate and just enjoy a bag of chips. This is the only way he will sit in his highchair now.

XOXO Melanie

The Lion King

Shad bought us tickets to The Lion King show in Vegas for one of my stocking stuffers for Christmas. I was so excited to go. I have been once before in L.A. when I went to California for a dance camp with Snow College Badgerettes and I absolutely loved it!! The show in Vegas did not disappoint. If you have not seen this show in Vegas, I highly recommend it!!

Thanks Babe! You are the best!!

XOXO Melanie

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Christmas Day

Yes, I do realize it is March... but I am doing it anyway. We had a fantastic Christmas but I only managed to take these three pictures. Christmas afternoon we drove down to Cedar City and spent a couple days with Shad's parents and sister... and we managed to not take a single picture. The boys had so much fun playing with their cousins and Ky would not leave Papa Rollo alone and asked him to play the Wii every minute of the day starting from sun up.
Thank you to all for the fun times and many memories we made in 2010.

Now I will let my blog officially welcome in 2011!!
XOXO Melanie