Friday, April 30, 2010

I heart L.V.

One of the many reasons why I love living in L.V.

This was taken two weeks ago...when it was in the high 70's!!

XOXO Melanie

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Moment of Silence for Obi...

After much debate, we have decided that it would be better to find another home for our Bull Mastiff - Obi. He has been with us since he was 8 weeks old and we got him just after we moved to Vegas. He became a playmate for our first dog Bo and they got along so well. He is now 4 years old and weighs over 120 pounds.
He has a very different personality than most dogs - he is scared of children. He is such a good dog with Shad & I and is so fun and playful...but when Ky gets within two feet of him he gets scared and runs away. He is very playful, but because of his size and strength does not understand he can do some serious damage when he bites.
Shad's parents drove him to Utah today and they'll meet up with Shad's Uncle next week. He lives in Montana, which of course is a very different climate than he is accustomed to. I hope he will have a great home up there with lots of room to play. It is a very sad day in the Rollo household, but it is not worth the risk of him getting too scared and/or cornered that he bites one of our children.

We love you Obi... I can't believe how much we already miss you!

XOXO Melanie

Friday, April 23, 2010

Where Daddy go?

Right now I work 4 days a week and I have Fridays off. This morning Ky comes into my bed around 6 a.m. when Shad was leaving to work. This is how the conversation went...

Ky - "Dad go to work?"

Mom - "Yup, Dad is going to work."

Ky - "And to play baseball!"


Ky - "It's a BIG game!"

At only 2 years old Ky already knows how Dad feels about playing sports...

I couldn't stop smiling.
I guess the love of sports started young with Kyson...his first word after "Da Da" was "futball"...this is Ky at 10 months old.

XOXO Melanie

No...not my child!

Everyone thinks there child is innocent and sweat all of the time, right? We were invited to a friends house for dinner and to play games. Jamie told me her daughter Lexie was looking forward to having my boys over so she could play with them. I taught her in primary for a year so I just adore her. Long story short - Lex and Ky were laying on the couch on their belly's watching Finding Nemo when Lex starts out with a slow and quiet ow which turns into a loud crying OW very quick. Ky just leaned over and bit her in the back of the arm! She was pinned because her arms were behind her on the couch so she couldn't move to get him off of her. Seriously!! What provokes a 2 year old to bite someone when he has never done that before and they were just laying down watching a movie? How embarrassed were Shad & I? I can't even begin to describe the feeling.

The picture below was taken a couple of hours after the "incident"... bit her hard enough to leave marks and a bruise.

He has not done that before or since so I hope it was a one time thing. Sorry Lex...hopefully you will let your parents invite us over again. We love you!!

XOXO Melanie

Saturday, April 17, 2010


It is a Whipple family tradition to go camping over Easter/Spring Break. I thought it would be fun to try out camping around Las Vegas for many reasons 1- There is not two feet of snow here, 2- We would like to get to know the area a little more so we can start camping with our little family, and 3- The temperatures were in the 70s. A couple of weeks before Easter weekend, my parents came to visit and checked out one of the site's that was recommended to us (thanks Shelley). We decided on Logandale Trails Systems and it was AWESOME!!

My sister Kenzie was the first to arrive and snagged us a perfect camping site. There were a lot of people but we didn't let that stop us. Our adventures in pics....

Our camping at Lake Powell without the water! Grandpa & Grandma Whipple enjoying some awesome food.

Shad showing off the dutch oven first time and it was yummo! I love this picture of Kyson...he couldn't wait to go camping and he had a blast! He pretty much rode the motorcycles all day long. He even fell asleep on the gas tank while on one trip and my dad had to balance him with his knees. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of that. LOL!

Typical picture of Kenz...gotta love sisters!

Kenz and Dust...they made dutch oven pizza and bread sticks. It was so fantastic!

Redneck bath time!

Broxy & Mommy!

We colored Easter Eggs and this one is of course for Elder Whipple...he was the best camper in our family so we can't wait to show him our new camping spot! We then had an Easter Egg run down a tall sand dunes hill.

Video of what occurred after the egg roll and watch Kys thumbs up...hilarious!...(ignore my loud voice)

How awesome is this...the Easter Bunny found us camping...which was the first for all of us to actually see the Easter Bunny in person. Can you tell Ky was just a little nervous? LOL!

We all got into the hunt for the lucky egg...filled with a whopping $10. Sadly, Kenzie found the egg...dang!

It's so hard to say goodbye!!

XOXO Melanie

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Could they be any cuter?

If I would have know that grandkids were going to be so much fun... I would have had them FIRST!!

We took a trip to Cedar to visit Shad's parents and we snapped these cute pictures. Look how cute Shad's parents are... Grandma Rollo is always so cute and trendy and can always get the kids laughing with her great "tickle fingers" and Grandpa Rollo is always so willing to play ball and wrestle with Kyson (Shad & I can always use a break from getting beat up from a 2 yr old). Did you notice how cute the nursery gift was for Easter (it's around Ky's neck). Another reason why I love this church. It's hard to explain, it is just awesome to feel right at home no matter what chapel you walk into on Sunday. It doesn't matter where you go, there are individuals magnifying their callings.

These pictures were taken after 3 hours of church...and they are all happy and smiling.

The picture below has to be my favorite. Brox could not be happier!! And look how cute Grandma is... what a fun moment and a great trip.

XOXO Melanie

Friday, April 9, 2010

Kys First Hunt!

Easter egg hunt that is...
Ky had so much fun...and there wasn't a lot of kids so he was able to get a nice stash of eggs and candy.

P.S. He insists on wearing that hat all the time. At lease it keeps his face out of the sun. What a cute boy!!

Brox was there too (I did let him out of his car seat too...)

XOXO Melanie