Shad plays on a softball team with all different guys in law enforcement. They have done so well this year at their tournaments they were invited to play in the
World Series of softball in Palm Springs, California on October 17th-19th. The top teams from the East Coast to the West Coast come and compete for the top prize. All of the players have to work in some form of law enforcement. I love watching Shad play in games...but this ball park is by far the best place he has ever played. The park is called
"Big League Dreams" and the softball fields are constructed after the MLB fields. In the center of the field is a bar and restaurant that has tons of flat screen TVs playing all sport stations (loved Saturday so I could still watch my college football) and also has glass windows as the walls so you can watch the softball games going on outside. When it got too hot for Kyson we could still sit inside in the air conditioning and watch Shad play! It was awesome!!
His first game was on Wrigley field (pictured below) and he also played at Yankee Stadium.
This is one of Shad's good friends that he met while going through the Academy. Carpenter loves playing with Kyson...he is getting ready for his little girl to arrive (his wife is due in January).
I've mentioned in previous posts that Kyson loves playing with any kind of balls. He was content with the dirty one his Daddy gave him for a little while but then noticed the new clean game balls on the other side of the fence. He was so funny and wouldn't let them go. Silly boy!
We had a great time supporting Shad and his team. They were one game away from making it to the Final day. Shad's parents were able to come with us and we enjoyed their company. Thank you Steve and Doe for helping me entertain Kyson during the games...I couldn't have done it without you!!
XOXO Melanie